Chris Crocker
27 Feb 2024
The Vampires are coming.....

The Bisons are very much looking forward to the visit from Neumarkt Vampires girls' team, as they come to Birmingham from 29th Feb - 3 March. Although a short visit, the Vampires are going to pack a lot into their time with us!
They are (appropriately) staying near the famous Coffin Works museum in the city centre, although its not clear if they have rented any for an overnight stay! Arriving on Thursday, the Vampires will be settling in, then joining in with our girls' youth team training session and playing a friendly game with them. They will then be joining in with our women's training session and again playing in a very friendly game!
On Friday, they'll be sightseeing and shopping around Birmingham and generally relaxing before going out for a meal on Friday evening. We have avoided taking the Vampire girls to the Balti Triangle, due to the amount of garlic used in some asian cooking: we weren't sure how they would react!
On Saturday, the Vampires will train with our Winter Academy youth, and play some more friendlies, before returning to Birmingham city centre for a guided tour and then a boat trip round the canals. Finally they will again have a meal in the evening, joined by some of the Bison girls and on Sunday, will be returning home.
Overall, it promises to be a very busy time, but we hope the Vampires will feel welcomed and will enjoy their time with us and in finding out more about Birmingham. It will also be good for our girl's to see how a team from another country trains and plays. We are really grateful to the Vampires for coming over and sharing their liove of handball with us!